Home Maintenance Tips: The Annual Checklist

home maintenance

Having a home is a lifetime investment, an asset, and a venture wherein one makes various considerations before deciding. Homeownership has multiple palpable and impalpable advantages and disadvantages depending on the circumstances. Risks and benefits can be in tandem with buying oneself a home. In essence, it comes with a significant responsibility. 

Regardless of whether your home is new, its upkeep is essential. Not only does home maintenance make your home pleasing, but it also makes it safe and comfortable. Keeping it from any unwanted damage/s that can lead to unnecessary expenses is ideal as it is practical. This way, encountering any major structural issues can be prevented or, at the very least, mitigated. 

In addition, and more specifically for people planning to sell their property, having it in good condition increases its market value. It is also the foremost attribute a potential buyer looks for in a home. 

Home Maintenance Tips

Regular maintenance checks help you detect minor irregularities before they escalate into a bigger problem. From a financial standpoint, this also saves you from spending on expensive repairs. 

Plumbing System/Water Damage

Plumbing is the most common point of home maintenance problems, comprising leakages, pipe breakages, clogs, and rusted pipes. Water issues can cause further damage to its surrounding area, including floors/floorboards, walls, other home interiors, and even the house’s foundation. 

Damages caused by water can be very ruinous, and repair can be just as costly. Regularly practice inspecting pipes and waterways (supply lines and waste lines) for any leakage, and contact a professional plumber if, by any chance, a minor leak or broken pipe is present. 

Preventive measures include: 

  • Avoiding flushing materials that can cause clogging. 
  • Installing screens over drains. 
  • Using chemicals that can cause rust on pipes.
  • Reduce water pressure.

HVAC System (Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning System)

Aside from being the most expensive and significant consumer of household energy consumption, home heating, ventilation, and air conditioning systems cost thousands to replace. Like any other home systems appliance, wear and tear can occur with prolonged use. HVAC systems motors/engines, filters, and other mechanisms are essential to keep clean.

HVAC system maintenance requires regular cleaning and changing filters every two to three months. Annually have it checked for any possible wear and damage by a professional to help in alleviating any potential risks from damage otherwise overlooked.

Tips for maintaining the HVAC system’s longevity include:

  • Change/Clean filters regularly.
  • Keep the HVAC unit area clean.
  • Ensure that airflow to the HVAC system is not blocked.
  • Insulate the home properly and seal any leaks around the HVAC system to avoid consuming too much energy and costly bills.

Electrical System 

Similar to HVAC systems, electrical systems can wear down. Worse, problems relating to electrical systems are hazardous and can cause accidents. People often overlook that the electrical system is the crux of every home facility. Hence, contacting a professional electrician for a routine inspection or repair (if necessary) is an excellent preventative measure to avoid problems relating to electrical power.

While electrical maintenance work should be left to the trained personnel and professionals, homeowners can help lessen any electrical-related problems by doing the following:

  • Unplug or turn off unused home appliances.
  • Inspect electric wires from frays or damage
  • Avoid using damaged wires. 
  • Avoid overloading extension wires.


A house would pass as a home or shelter with a roof in its best condition. Roofs are immensely vulnerable to ever-changing weather, like intense heat and punishing rain. Rust, roof leakages, pooled water, clogged gutters, cracking, blistering, puncture, holes, etc., are common problems homeowners are likely to encounter.  

Repair and replacement expenses for roofing can significantly cost, depending on the overall damage. Therefore, to ensure that the roof is in its best condition, one should check it regularly. Maintaining a roof can require work, but it is necessary to prolong its condition. Roof maintenance includes:

  • Clear away debris
  • Remove clogs and clean gutters
  • Apply sealants to cracks/replace old sealants
  • After heavy rains or storms, do an inspection


Ensuring critical parts of a home are in great shape can take a lot of effort. Home maintenance involves initiatives homeowners/sellers make to keep their homes in their best condition. Over time and constant use, a house becomes worn and may cause damage that can be costly to replace or repair. Making maintenance efforts improves a home’s lifespan and increases its market value.

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