Top 4 Home Improvements to Maximize Your Home’s Value

home improvements

In selling real estate houses, one should plan advantageous initiatives that may attract many potential buyers. Customers more than likely have many decisive factors they rely on before a purchase is a done deal. Hence, it is essential to understand home improvements trend in how clients value an estate. So, you can determine what makes them want to buy or invest in them.

Additionally, sellers should also recognize key takeaways from client purchasing decisions. Often, buyers and investors look at the price foremost, as it is what buyers take into consideration to align within their budget. But, then, an estate’s location and overall features, such as its facilities, amenities, and aesthetics, are equally important factors.  

Home Improvements to Increase ROI 

Although clients can have varied priorities before purchasing houses, they still value practical but attractive homes. Therefore, an estate’s physical characteristics significantly influence a client’s purchase decision. Below are some of the best parts of a house to invest in renovation/remodeling to increase a home’s market value.

Bathroom Remodel

Bathroom renovations continue to be among the most valued initiatives for sellers to do. These home improvements are top selling points and add value to a property. In addition, this especially can attract buyers keen on having comfortable and aesthetically pleasing restrooms. 

According to the National Association of REALTORS in the US in 2019, bathroom remodels have 57% ROI. Even minor bathroom remodels like repainting walls, remodeling fixtures, and applying new flooring can do notable upgrades. 

Kitchen Remodel

In most cases, renovations in the kitchen are a deciding factor for purchase decision-making. Kitchens that are practical but are not shy of appealing can improve an estate’s market value. Along with bathroom renovations, kitchen renovations have proven to be worth the investment as they give the most significant ROIs. Minor and major kitchen remodeling can yield around 80-90% or upward ROIs.


The addition of decks, patios, or porches in a home not only adds to its appeal but also adds tremendous value to it. Over the last few years, there’s been a priority for outdoor living spaces, and they continue to be on the rise for providing more living space in a home.   

Recent data suggest that adding decks, patios, or porches can average around 90.3% ROI. In addition, wooden decks are a very cost-effective addition and are likely to return the highest ROI.


A beautiful landscape surrounding one’s property can certainly captivate people. Investing in landscaping or improving a property’s yard helps increase a property’s market value. In addition, how a house looks on the outside can add a good impression of it.

Popular trends like low-maintenance gardens or plants that accentuate a home are likely preferable. Furthermore, landscaping return averages around 100%, suggesting that clients also value and consider this aspect as a purchase consideration. 

The Bottom Line 

Appealing to client needs is an essential part of selling real estate. For example, before purchasing, clients look at a property’s physical characteristics among financial concerns. Likewise, making initiatives such as improvements in a particular part of a house should be something sellers should consider. 

Home improvements, renovations, and remodels effectively boost a real estate’s market value as projects like these significantly offer high investment returns (ROIs).

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