Relax and            Unwind

Relax and          Unwind

at the comfort of your home.

Experience a life beyond the bounds of weariness. Surround yourself with comfort and relaxation for a lifetime. A place where you can enjoy the astounding view of Pujada Bay and the soothing breeze brought by the sea. Fall in love with its calm waters and captivating sunset, WestPointe Heights brings you luxury and tranquility, the very first high-end subdivision of Mati.

Come, invest your future in WestPointe Heights.


WestPointe Heights

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Maganahay Mati

Be enamored with Mati's perennial beauty and warmth. See wondrous marvels where you can spend time sightseeing Mati's pride and natural attractions. Exciting adventures like island hopping or exhilarating surfing await. Then, relax and unwind on its pristine beaches and cozy beach resorts, a time free of stress and exhaustion.

Breathtaking Landscape

Bask in the breathtaking landscapes Mati has to offer. Admire the verdant hills, white sand beaches, and panoramic views overlooking the great Pujada Bay that will leave you in awe. Don't forget to take out your cameras en route to the city!

Jovial People

Celebrate the beauty and wonders of Mati with its equally vibrant and chipper people. The people of Mati are very welcoming and accommodating to tourists, embodying true Filipino traits of hospitality and amiableness.

Night Life

Indulge in the nightlife Mati has to offer. Multiple resorts, especially in Dahican, come alive at night. Experience and enjoy a night full of fun as you revel with local folks and tourists alike. Live bands and drinks make for a delightful end to your evening.


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